Daily Lent Devotions from Church Street UMC

Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023 — Morning

By Donald Rickels

Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days

Ash Wednesday is a time to begin reflection on life. It is almost like a New year. What would you like to get rid of this season of Lent? Guilt? Sorrow? Regrets? A burden? This wonderful service is a time of reflection to think about things and release them. It truly is an important time for all who are followers of Christ to begin their Easter journey.

Ash Wednesday is one of my favorite services. A mark on the forehead seals you to the fact that you have reflected and chosen a path to release the things that so easily consume us and take us away from being a Light to the world. Begin your Easter journey in reflection and with confidence that there can be change in your world.


Be with us through this season, Lord, and all our earthly days, that when the final Easter dawns, we join in heaven’s praise. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of February 15, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

Today’s lectionary reading from the Psalms is from Psalm 119:10 -16 … 

119  10 With my whole heart I seek you;
    do not let me stray from your commandments.
11 I treasure your word in my heart,
    so that I may not sin against you.
12 Blessed are you, O Lord;
    teach me your statutes.
13 With my lips I declare
    all the ordinances of your mouth.
14 I delight in the way of your decrees
    as much as in all riches.
15 I will meditate on your precepts
    and fix my eyes on your ways.
16 I will delight in your statutes;
    I will not forget your word. 

O Lord who hears our every heartbeat, you know that we come to you longing for a pure heart. But the Psalmist promises you the WHOLE heart. You know our hearts, O God, and you see how we have divided them in sections. There is only a portion for you. We love you with the part of our heart that adores creation and loves our family. We love you with the part of our heart that experiences joy. 

You know our hearts, O Lord … and yet, you welcome us into your sanctuary of prayer. We humbly bring our broken hearts, our bitter hearts, our tired hearts, our apathetic hearts; we bring them all. The heartache, the heartbreak, and the heartsick.  

So, we pray again with the Psalmist: we seek you with our whole heart! May our hearts be a place where we treasure your word and make room for your spirit. May we trust in our hearts that you know the brokenness we have stored there and are anxious to heal and to make new.   

Having spent time meditating on your love for us and your openness to us, we can truly say now that our whole hearts are before you. We bring you the joy and the hope, the thanksgiving and the concerns, the regret and the looking ahead. Thank you for seeking after us with YOUR whole heart, O Lover of Our Souls.  

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ who taught us to pray …

We pray for…

  • A child in our congregation whose classmate’s father died suddenly. Prayers for the family and all the children in this boy’s class as they support him.
  • A friend who suffered a stroke while in Florida; prayers for healing and for his boyfriend and family.
  • Several in our church family who are waiting on medical test results; prayers for patience and clarity!
  • Those for whom Valentine’s Day was a hard day. So many expectations and so much hype make it a difficult day to maneuver for those who are single (and happy!), or who are longing for a relationship, or who have just ended a relationship. 
  • Families who have strained relationships
  • A member’s parents who both have health issues
  • A member dealing with heart issues and MS
  • Friends going through struggles
  • A sister looking for answers as to source of pain
  • A couple moving into a new home; celebrating a new beginning but also grieving the death of their young son
  • A member’s mother in cardiac ICU 
  • The Michigan State University community
  • Parents struggling during a difficult period
  • A friend looking for meaningful and sustaining employment
  • The friends and family of a young mother; those who are remembering her in hometown service and those celebrating her life in Knoxville

We give thanks for… 

  • Doctors and healthcare personnel who understand addiction issues and provide care with compassion
  • Support services for those receiving cancer treatments
  • The uplifting worship service led by our children last Sunday!

We continue to pray for…

  • The survivors in Turkey and Syria; those responsible for rebuilding
  • Members and friends who are in rehab health facilities after surgery and/or illness

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of February 8, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

Over eleven thousand dead … 

We close our eyes to pray about the world but we cannot even fathom eleven-thousand people. 

But you know, O Lord; you know each one. Thankful for your tenderheartedness, we look at the map, find Syria and Turkey, touch the outline of the borders and pray. Praying reminds us you are the creator of all. 

We pray for rescue workers, for children who are now orphans, for parents looking for children. We pray for those who are in charge of clearing the debris, for the agencies trying to get relief to the people. We pray for those who are thirsty to find water. For those who are inconsolable to find some rest. For those who are in shock to find something to hold on to. 

We hold on to the miracle stories … a baby born under the rubble and taken to medical personnel … a teenage boy slowly pulled out from between two slabs of concrete … the sound of a voice after hours of drilling through debris. There is life! There is hope! There is light! 

These miracles do not diminish the devastation but they offer hope. A baby’s cry calls up compassion from people around the world. The determination of a few rescue workers crouched for hours inspires us to persevere.  

Over eleven-thousand dead and the count will go higher. We cannot begin to count that many people, O Lord. But, we can count one. Then two. Then one more. 

Help us to see the people in our own community, O God. There are many who feel like they are being buried by social earthquakes. Safety nets and agencies that once offered help are crumbling. Transgender teens, adults with HIV, neighbors with addictions … may we see them and hear them calling out for help. Help us take the time to see one. Then one more. Then two. Our children. Our nephews and nieces. Our neighbors. Your children. 

We thank you that you have created us in such a way that we hurt when others hurt; that we can imagine what it is like to be someone else. You have made us in your image, O God. A disaster on the other side of the world can shake us loose from our fears and prejudices and prompt us truly to pray for one another. We pray for those who feel trapped and for those who feel forgotten – here, there, and everywhere. May we crouch down in prayer; may we persevere in prayer. Perhaps, being empowered by prayer we can offer hope, light, life! 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

We pray for…

  • The family and friends of a special friend of downtown nonprofits and downtown neighbors who died this past week.
  • A young couple spending two weeks in Guatemala on mission trip; prayers for their safety and health as well as prayers for the people they are serving
  • A friend who has had many changes in her life recently; especially for the new job she started this week
  • A member beginning radiation treatments this week at Vanderbilt; prayers for healing and for prayers for his young family
  • The people of Turkey and Syria
  • People affected by the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio
  • Families who are grieving
  • A member waiting on results of medical tests
  • A family who is grieving the death of one who held them all together

We continue to pray for… 

  • Those who are in rehab after surgery or stroke or illness
  • Those who are battling addictions
  • High school juniors and seniors who are under pressure to make decisions
  • A couple wanting to have a child
  • Members who have been recently diagnosed with chronic illnesses; seeking support and treatment

We offer prayers of Thanksgiving for… 

  • A beautiful funeral that celebrated a good friend
  • A meaningful confirmation retreat
  • For rescue workers
  • For those who feel a call to ministry
  • Family
  • A new grandson!
  • A sister who received special recognition for her years of work
  • Doctors who listen and take time

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM
NightLife – 5:00-7:00PM ($5 dinner)

Lent at Church Street

NightLife – During Lent, we are meditating on the senses and using them to draw us back to our faith on a daily basis. One of Church Street’s clergy will join us each week to share how

Palm Sunday – April 2 (Youth Lenten Worship Night during NightLife)

Maundy Thursday – April 6

Good Friday – April 7

Easter – April 9

Senior Info

It’s hard to believe it is already time to be looking toward graduation for our graduating seniors! What a joy it is to see you learn and grow. You should have already received this email via mail & email, but reminders that deadlines are coming up! Mark your calendars and be sure to submit your information. Let Jenny know if you have any questions!

Sunday, March 24 – Senior Info Due

Sunday, April 2 – Scholarship Application Due

Tuesday, May 2 – Senior Banquet

Sunday, May 14 – Senior Sunday

Senior Info

Scholarship Application

High School Prayer Breakfast

This year, we are rotating locations of our High School Prayer Breakfast. Hopefully, this will allow more students to participate! Here is this month’s schedule:

  • February 7, Chick-fil-A West Hills, 7:20 AM
  • February 14, Panera Fountain City, 7:20 AM
  • February 21, Chick-fil-A West Hills, 7:20 AM
  • February 28, Panera Fountain City, 7:20 AM

Parent Sign-Ups

Meal Sign-Ups: Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and lunch. We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below. If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Breakfast Sign-Up

Dinner Sign-Up

Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!

Jenny Cross, Youth Director
(865) 524-0287

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of February 1, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

There are only twenty-eight days this month! The cold air gives us a tiny bit of panic as we draw our arms in and shield ourselves against any wind. As we come to the end of this first day of the second month, may we put our anxiety in your hands. Instead of drawing in, may we open up. Would having a February 30th or 31st really make a difference in our lives? As we come to the close of the day, O Lord, forgive us for feeling harried or spent or depleted. You have given us the time of this day. You have called each day, “good.” Lord who loves us as much mid-week as you did on Sunday, make us to feel your grace this evening. 

You are our Keeper, not our scorekeeper. Help us to look back over our day and see it through your eyes. May we see the gifts of food, of work, or interactions with others. We thank you for the gift of our ability to do the things we wanted to do or the gift of someone to help us get those things done. Lord, forgive us when we come to the end of the day and evaluate its worth by what we have ‘gotten done.’  

We have been in your presence. You have been with us this day. Knowing your presence brings us meaning and now we can rest as the world grows dark. Forgive us for thinking that today’s worth was dependent on us. This is the day, you made, O Lord. Let us look back on it and give thanks.  

Now that we have taken a deep breath and renewed our spirits in your presence, we are able to think of others. Even when thinking about illness, despair, economic strain, addiction, and other situations that weigh us down, taking time to pray brings us a strength. As we let your Holy Spirit wander around in our hearts and minds, we know that same spirit is moving in the folks for whom we are praying. Your same spirit is touching those who are praying and those who have shared concerns.  

And so we join as a community of faith and pray for others …. 

We pray for …

  • A member’s son in the death of his wife; prayers for him and two young children.
  • A member waiting on scans and other tests
  • A member’s husband who is dealing with multiple health issues
  • A college student who is leaving this week to study abroad in Spain for a few months! Safe travels and wonderful experiences!
  • A young father whose cancer has returned; prayers for his family and all of the network of caring people as treatments begin
  • Friends who are struggling
  • Adult children grieving the death of a beloved father
  • Memphis
  • Family grieving after death of elderly mother
  • A woman struggling with mental illness and seeking spiritual counseling
  • A sister-in-law who is caring for her 92 year old mother who is now under hospice care. 
  • The family, friends, and colleagues of a woman who committed suicide; 
  • The family of an eighteen-year old who died in his sleep last week

We give thanks for …

  • The miracle of organ donation; seeing God’s grace work through a time of grief
  • A wonderful first week of school at UT

We continue to pray for …

  • A friend who is battling stage 4 cancer and is battling a brain bleed from a fall; prayers for her husband is who caregiver
  • Caregivers who are struggling with exhaustion; may they know they are doing the best they can

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of January 25, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

We thank you, O Lord, for the redeeming work you do in our lives. Forgive us when we think of redemption as a one-time event in the future! You bring meaning, restoration, and grace to our lives each day – redeeming our attempts at making each day ‘count.’

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

We thank you, O Lord, for the redeeming work you do in the world. Open our eyes that we may see it instead of focusing on negativity. May we praise your name with the words of our mouth! When we see goodness, reconciliation, and hopefulness around us, may our speech pour forth your praise!

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

We thank you for encouraging words we have heard from family, friends, and colleagues. Open our hearts and our minds before we open our mouths, O God who is The Word! May our words not only be pleasing to you but helpful and edifying to others.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

O God who knows our hearts, you know that some of us have mastered ‘kind language’ but what is dwelling in our heart and mind is not kind. Forgive us when we think politeness can cover up disdain and judgment. Clean out our hearts, Lord! There is much in there. Thank you for accepting all of who we are, but thank you for your willingness to work through and transform the darkness, the guilt, the shame, and the confusion. Redeem what is in our hearts, O lover of our souls!

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Help us imagine ourselves abiding in your holy tent and lingering on your holy mountain! Even when we are alone with our thoughts and words – well, we are not alone. Redeem us!

O God, we thank you so much for always hearing our prayers.

We pray for …

  • a church member dealing with heart issues; praying to get meds regulated and get strength back
  • a church member waiting on a heart procedure; give her strength and hope for each day
  • a young mother who has been on life support and whose organs were harvested this morning. Praying for all of the family members; her husband and two children (ages 4 and 7). Thankful for supportive in-laws, extended family, and friends who are there for this family even in their own grief.
  • a young woman who had sinus surgery this morning; prayers that pain and headaches will be relieved
  • a woman who seeks God’s intervention to restore a broken relationship
  • a husband’s CT scan to be clear; prayers for God’s healing presence
  • a church member who came home from hospital today will be recuperating for six weeks; prayers for parents who care for her
  • a mother driving to middle Tennessee this week to see an incarcerated son
  • a member in the hospital discerning care he needs at home
  • a friend diagnosed with leukemia
  • friends and family members going through difficult times and need to feel God’s presence
  • a church member dealing with cancer diagnosis
  • a family who is keeping vigil at the bedside of a dear father and uncle; prayers of thanksgiving for a long life well lived and loved!

We give thanks for …

  • a spiritually uplifting weekend for our youth and counselors at Resurrection 2023
  • birth of a great-granddaughter
  • a successful surgery
  • Stephen Ministers and those who are interested in learning more

We continue to pray for …

  • the devastation in Ukraine to end
  • those who are plagued with addiction disease and pray for more options for treatment
  • church members and friends who are home after hospital and/or rehab stays; prayers that they will continue to heal and grow stronger

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

Submit your prayer request confidentially by clicking here.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of January 18, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance*

Today is January 18, 2023 and marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This past Monday, I was honored to participate at Overcoming Believers Church in the Martin Luther King Commemorative Service. There were people from many different churches in the congregation and on the stage. I began today by having coffee with two colleagues – each from a different denomination. Then, I went to the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and joined with clergy from Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterian, and Episcopal churches as we shared in leading the Service for Christian Unity with their students. It reminded me of our deep heritage and that we are all, indeed, one in Christ Jesus. 

I invite you to share the prayer that is in our hymnal for Christian Unity this evening …. 

 Let us ask the Lord to strengthen in all Christians fiath in Christ, the Savior of the world. 

Listen ro us, O Lord. 

Let us ask the Lord to sustain and guide Christians with his gifts along the way to full unity. 

Listen to us, O Lord. 

Let us ask the Lord for the gift ofv unity and peace for the world. 

Listen to us, O lord. 

We ask you, O lord, for the gifts of your Spirit. 

Enable us to penetrate the depth of the whole truth, and grant that we may share with others the goods you have put at our disposal. Teach us to overcome division. Send us your Spirit to lead to full unity your sons and daughters in full charity, in obedience to your will; through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

We pray for …

  • A granddaughter who had extensive surgery yesterday for spina bifida and scoliosis. Prayers for patience, endurance, and strength in the long recovery.
  • A church member in hospital whose doctor is hoping to get medicines regulated
  • A church member in the hospital with pneumonia
  • Church members who are in rehab
  • Our youth as they prepare to go to Resurrection in Pigeon Forge this weekend (and the adults!)
  • A friend who is having a difficult time after death of father
  • All who are grieving and planning funerals
  • A niece who is looking for a job
  • Church member having procedure this week
  • Colleague having surgery this week

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for …

  • A church member who has gone home from rehab
  • The birth of a granddaughter
  • For good friends who help
  • New members who joined Sunday

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

*Prayer was written by Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II), Poland, 20th century. 


I am so excited to spend next weekend together at Resurrection!! This email contains everything you need to know to prepare for this event. If you have any questions at all, please let me know.

Grace and peace,

*Please note, the schedule for this event is different from past Resurrections and will require an earlier departure on Friday night and an earlier return on Sunday.

Preparing our Hearts

The focus verse for this year’s Resurrection is Ephesians 4:4-6 — “You are one body and one spirit, just as God also called you in one hope. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all.”

As we do the work of packing and planning, let us also spend time reflecting and meditating on these words. Let us arrive at our sessions eager to learn more about God and His love!


To learn more about the Resurrection event schedule, please click here. The event has moved to one session instead of two. The schedule below includes travel on Friday & Sunday.

5:00 Arrive at Church Street in the Youth Department (Chick-fil-a dinner is provided)
5:30 Meeting with students & Dinner
6:00 Depart for Pigeon Forge
8:00 Session I

8:30 Session IV
11:00 Depart from Pigeon Forge (snacks on the road, will not eat lunch)
12:00-12:30 Arrive at Church Street

Packing List

  • Bible
  • warm, casual clothes
  • coat, gloves, hat
  • water bottle
  • shoes (good for walking)
  • pajamas
  • swim suit
  • beach towel
  • rain jacket
  • spending money (for REZ23 t-shirt)
  • toiletries
  • snack to share
  • chargers

Packing List PDF

Friday Arrival

When you arrive at Church Street on Friday, please do the following things:

  • load your luggage on the trailer
  • keep any “carry on” items with you and take them in the vans (backpacks, purses, pillows, etc) in the 11th-12th grade room – please be sure to keep all your stuff together
  • check in and turn in any forms or payments
  • put your snack in the worship room by the stage
  • grab dinner from the kitchen


We are going to the King of the Mountain Lodge! Your rooms have been assigned in advance. We will share all our meals in the cabin and will all help out in the kitchen.


We will talk about these more on Friday, but please keep these guidelines in mind for the weekend.

  • You will travel in the same van all weekend. No switching around.
  • The chaperone who checks your room at night will also be your chaperone in the Convention Center.
  • You must stay in groups of 3 at all times.
  • There is a Starbucks kiosk at the Convention Center. We will not be using it. The lines are too long and you miss part of the session when you get in line. There will be coffee at the cabin if you are wanting some.
  • Your rooms in the cabin will be assigned.
  • Everyone will have different tasks throughout the weekend to help things run smoothly and contribute to our group. Please do your jobs in a timely and joyful way!
  • There is a movie room in the cabin. You can bring movies to watch remembering:
  • they must be G or PG rated
  • lights out still means lights out – even if it isn’t done
  • movies will be voted on by the majority planning to watch – democracy, people
  • There is also a pool and hot tubs at the cabin. There will be designated times for these to be used.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of January 11, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

Away in a manger no crib for a bed … 

O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie … 

Silent night, holy night …. 

O God of mid-January, we are longing for the peace and calm of a few days off around Christmas. The quiet worship service and beautiful music soothed our souls and now we are frantic with planning for spring and summer! Why do we do this to ourselves, Lord? Do we not trust that your Christmas light will sustain us in a new year? 

As we accept the reality that it is not Christmas any longer, open our hearts to your Epiphany Light. We truly want to be wise men and women who follow your bright and sustaining light and not the flashes of notifications and advertisements.  

It is Wednesday, O God. No mention of Wednesday in our scriptures, but we have made it a priority in our evolution to mark time and name time. As we spend some ‘time’ in prayer this evening, remind us to close our eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on your presence. Let us ponder in our hearts the relationships and events that are truly important and Life-Giving.  

We take a moment to give thanks for the epiphanies we have experienced. The glimpses and surprises and unexpected sightings of your grace bring us joy. Kindness, hospitality, forgiveness, and graciousness have crossed our paths already this week. Thank you, God of all days and ordinary days. 

We take a moment now to pray for those we love, for our world, and we offer the requests shared by our church family … 

We pray for …

  • Families and friends who are grieving the death of a loved one by suicide. May God’s spirit help them sort out all of the feelings of anger, grief, confusion, guilt, shock …
  • For members who have had surgery and are recovering at home.
  • A mother receiving therapy at a health care facility after a fall.
  • A friend anxious to be home after surgery.
  • Successful hand surgery
  • For those considering becoming Stephen Ministers
  • Safe travels as family gathers for the weekend.
  • A United Methodist congregation who is struggling with disaffiliation.
  • A young family caught between grief and hope as they grieve the death of a child and celebrate the birth of another.
  • A family preparing to leave Knoxville to help with parents and begin new work.
  • A family in transition as older members’ health declines.
  • A family as they deal with a new diagnosis of a loved one.
  • Our wisdom to be increased; may we trust that God is watching over us and may we feel God’s peace, hope, love, and joy!
  • Those who are feeling the impact of hard financial times.

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for …

  • For Stephen Ministers and for those who are leading next training
  • The miracle of organ donation offering life and hope in the midst of grief
  • Support group started by Parish Health Ministry Team for those serving as caregivers
  • Miraculous procedures that happen every day at hospitals and clinics
  • A young couple expecting their first child.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of January 4, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

This prayer is adapted from Sunday morning’s pastoral prayer, January 1, 2023. On this fourth day of the new year, and also the eleventh day of Christmas, we invite you to join in prayer …

How good it is to be here in a new year, O God, to worship you. We have been saying all through Advent, the people who have walked in great darkness on them light has shined; we have heard the words, Arise shine for your light has come. At the beginning of a new year, may we hold on to the Light of Christmas.

Let us pray to the lord: Let the light of Christ shine on all people.

“All people” … those who come from far away places bearing gifts, those who shop at the Food Co-op and Sharing Shop at Beacon of Hope, all people.

“All people.” We confess that we have problems with that phrase. You know that about us. When we say, “all people,” we cannot help but categorize, Lord. There are those special ones close to us; the ones we dearly love. There are those who live in our community – and we do care about their well-being. Then there are those who disagree with us; those who are so different …those who live in places we do not know about. We are grateful, God of All People, that it is not up to us to decide where your light shines. Forgive us when our actions or words or indifference would cast a shadow. Thank you for including us in all people – may we reflect your light and not hide it.

Let us pray to the Lord: Let the light of Christ shine on all people.

This is a day of reflection, O God of all days. We look back over the past year mostly with thanksgiving as we remember how you have revealed your love and presence to us. You are indeed steadfast.

Blessed Lord, into our darkness you have brought the Light of your love. You have given to us a reminder of the many ways in which you care for us and guide us. This has been a hectic time for so many of us. We have invested ourselves, our energies, and our resources in a flurry of activities; and now we are coming to the end of this calendar year, with a new year in view, and we wonder how we are going to have the energy that the new year will demand. Help us place our trust and our lives in your care. Give us strength and courage for the times ahead. Let love be the foundation from which all our actions spring.

Let us pray to the Lord: Let the light of Christ shine on all people.

Because you love us, we are called to love others. We pray for so many this morning. There are those who are sick; may your healing light shine on them. There are those who are worried, anxious, or depressed. May your comforting light shine on them. We pray for world leaders and city managers, who have responsibilities and decisions to make that we cannot imagine, may your light of clarity and goodwill shine on them. For those who are fighting a war, O God, we are bold to pray that the light of your peace would bring them hope.

Let us pray to the Lord: Let the light of Christ shine on all people.

Oh God, we pray that the more we recount your steadfast love toward us, that you would increase our affection and love for you. As we begin this year with worship, magnifying your name and acknowledging you are the source of all that is life, love, and light, we join with all people to offer the prayer your son, our savior, Jesus Christ taught us to pray:

We pray for …

  • Teachers who are beginning a new year, a new semester, a new class; give them strength and guidance to manage their classes.
  • Those who experienced death of a loved one over Christmas
  • A church member in hospital waiting on test results to determine treatment to fight infection
  • A mother who has fallen and broken her pelvis; prayers for her and her family
  • A daughter having surgery on hand
  • A niece waiting on news about a job
  • A college student who is struggling with decisions about next steps
  • A family member beginning addiction rehab program
  • A wife dealing with depression
  • A brother who had pacemaker put in; thankful surgery went well
  • Blessings and prayers of mercy and protection for the year; good health to all! Love and Joy for all! May we all grow in wisdom of the Lord!

We offer prayers of thanksgiving for …

  • A mother who is regaining her strength after a long rehab
  • Couples announcing their engagements
  • Successful back surgery
  • Healing
  • Colleagues at work who make me feel special!
  • Adult children finding their way
  • Wonderful visits with family and safe flights over Christmas!
  • Positive outcome in court

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.