Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 6, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

This prayer was adapted from a prayer written by Christine Longhurst whose worship blog is called re:WORSHIP. Christine teaches at Canadian Mennonite University.

O God, just as You rescued the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, setting them free to worship and serve You,

so You have also rescued us, setting us free from slavery to sin and selfishness, and inviting us into relationship with You and one another. We praise You for the love and mercy You have shown toward us.

We pray that the words we speak in worship and the rituals we observe are acted out in our daily living. May we trust you whether we find ourselves in familiar surroundings or heading on an uncertain journey. May we always be certain of your faithfulness towards us.

We pray for those who do not have what they need in order to survive; those without enough food and water, medical care, shelter, or security. Open our hearts to see the needs in our world, and to respond with Your love.

We pray for those who are living with serious illness or injury,

who face each day with uncertainty or pain,

who find themselves wondering what the future holds.

Open our hearts to see the needs of those around us,

and to respond with Your love.

We also pray for Your church, the Body of Christ on earth.

We pray that we would be a living example of Your love in our world, treating one another with compassion and respect, settling differences with love and integrity, bound together by our common allegiance to You.

Open our hearts and lives to your ongoing presence among us,

so that we would grow in faithfulness and love.

May our living always bring honor to Jesus Christ our Savior – it is in his name we pray and offer the prayer he taught us…

We pray for …

  • A mother who is very ill
  • Daughter recovering surgery
  • A woman waiting on results of CT scan
  • A husband having biopsy
  • A father who started a new job this week; prayers he will be on a good path.
  • A member waiting on apartment in assisted living

We continue to pray for ….

  • One who is receiving radiation and chemotherapy for brain cancer
  • One taking chemotherapy for breast cancer
  • A mother looking for work in a new city
  • Those who grieve but also celebrate the love they shared
  • A family member who is in recovery program; prayers for healing from addiction

We offer thanksgiving for …

  • One who received a job!
  • The chance to get away for a while after so many treatments.
  • Newborns who are continuing to do well.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM
NightLife – 5:00-7:00PM (begins 8.27)

At a glance…

  • Regular NightLife this Sunday!
  • We need more parking help this season. Especially for the 9/30 game – 7:30 kick-off and LOTS of open volunteer slots.
  • SLA final registration is due October 3!


NightLife is back in action! We are starting our new study “The Superpowers of Jesus” this week. We will study the miracles of Jesus during his years of public ministry.

Join us from 5:00-7:00 in the Youth Area for a $5 dinner, fellowship, study, and worship.

If you are new to NightLife, we hope you’ll consider taking the NightLife Challenge and commit to being with us 4 weeks in a row to see if it’s a good fit for you. (We think it will be!)

SLA Registration

Fall is nearly here which means one of our favorite weekends of the year is just around the corner! SLA (Spiritual Life Advance) is our annual fall retreat. We spend a weekend away at camp to renew and reset – taking time to worship and study with intention and hope.

SLA Registration is officially open! Check out the info below to learn more and head to the link to sign-up!

When: November 10-12

Where: Camp Bays Mountain

Cost: $115 (early bird), $135 (final)

Earlybird Registration: September 17

Final Registration: October 3

SLA Registration

Football Parking Fundraiser

For each of Tennessee’s home football games, we have the incredible opportunity to park cars on our campus and raise money for our Youth Department and Youth Choir. Each weekend, we tithe (give 10%) of our earnings to a Parking Lot Maintenance Fund, and the remaining is divided evening between the two groups.

It requires a significant amount of volunteer support to make this fundraiser work, and we ask all families to volunteer for at least two shifts during the season. Please use the link below to sign up and learn more.

We need lots more hands to make this season happen. Please check out the sign-up and find two shifts to serve.

Football Volunteer Sign-Ups

Kick-Off Follow Up

On August 20, we celebrated a new year of Youth Ministry altogether in Parish Hall. We shared a meal, worshipped together, and heard about what we have in store for this year.

Below, you’ll find the links to our forms/surveys. Please take some time to fill those out (it won’t take long!) to help us plan for the year ahead.

As always, if you have any questions, reach out to Jenny at @jcross@churchstreetumc.org.

Annual Release Form

Student Survey

Parent Survey

Youth Ministry Meals

Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and dinner. We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below. If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Youth Breakfasts

Youth Dinners


Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!

Jenny Cross, Youth Director

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 30, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

I see the moon and the moon sees me. 

God bless the moon and God bless me. 

Tonight is the Super Blue Moon, O God! You have set the cosmos in place and have given human beings the ability to observe, to be in awe, and to put names on the patterns and rhythms of the sky. 

We thank you for astronomers who document movement of the planets and write down calculations; we thank you for engineers and physicists who build telescopes and for astronauts who explore space. So much knowledge is almost too great for us, O God! We think of the psalmist who wrote, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are humans that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?” 

No wonder that we resort back to childlike prayers whose words are so simple!  

I see the moon and the moon sees me. 

God bless the moon and God bless me. 

We are in awe of the night sky. O God, who stretched the spangled heavens, we are grateful for twinkling stars and spinning planets; we hold our breath as cloud formations change and as moon and stars hide and then peek out again. What a gift it is to look up into the sky and know that people all around the Earth are also looking upward in admiration of your beauty.  

Help us keep that sacred connection, Lord, when we awake in the morning and no longer look up but look straight ahead. Even though the sun is shining, may it still be our prayer that you are blessing us all – all who share the moon. We all share in your grace and love. 

We are mindful of those who are dear to us who need our prayers. We say things such as, “they have so much on them right now.” We augment our prayer to include your Earth; our planet is under so much stress right now! Fires and hurricanes. Pollution and scorching heat. May we remember that the earth is part of your beloved creation as much as we are. You care for us all. 

I see the moon and the moon sees me; God bless the moon and God bless me. 

We join in prayer for those in our church family who have requested prayer ….. 

We pray for …

  • One who asks for healing from depression and from heart trouble
  • Complete healing from a broken nose; pray daily for my health
  • A family praying for the grace of salvation
  • Soup kitchen guest who is looking for a job caregiving
  • A mother who is very ill
  • Daughter having cervical cancer surgery
  • A woman waiting on a lung biopsy
  • A husband having biopsy
  • Members who are having surgery this week; prayers for full recovery
  • A 92-year old cousin in hospice care now has covid
  • A couple who is separated; may each one find the peace they need
  • Those who were elected for city government
  • All the UT students we see from our church. Dear God let them know we are praying for them!
  • A young mother having cancer surgery and who is not able to work.
  • An aunt as she grieves the unexpected death of her nephew

We continue to pray for ….

  • One who is receiving radiation and chemotherapy for brain cancer
  • One taking chemotherapy for breast cancer
  • Children who are having a difficult time adjusting to school year
  • A mother looking for work in a new city
  • Those who grieve but also celebrate the love they shared
  • Parents from Covenant School in Nashville who shared their trauma this week with others

We offer thanksgiving for …

  • One who received a job!
  • Good report from EKG and check up
  • The love of family and the way they are always there
  • All the visitors who were at church Sunday!

We offer the prayer Jesus taught us ….

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 9, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

We turn to you, O God of Wednesday, with our mid-week concerns. We know you are the Lord of all days! There are no mini gods over each day! But there is a particular bent to our posture of prayer at mid-week. We have forgotten the inspiration of Sunday, routine that we thought was so grounding has consumed us, and we feel we might not make it to the respite of the weekend.  

So, Lord of mid-week, thank you for meeting us here. Re-orient us to the hymn* we sang last Sunday, “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun does its successive journeys run …. To Jesus endless prayer be made, and endless praises crown his head …” 

We have let other powers and concerns reign over us; we have forgotten the power of prayer and praise. Endless … the hymnwriter sings. O God of Wednesday, forgive us for setting you aside last Sunday afternoon. We greet you here, tired and wasting time feeling guilty for not praying earlier. Refresh us with your forgiveness, revive us with your welcoming spirit, and assure us you hear our prayers – the sporadic ones if not the endless ones.  

May our prayers be energized knowing that they are a form of praise as well. We pray to the one who we believe has power and love enough to change us, to heal others, and to transform the world. We do offer praise. O God, help us to live into that praise. Help us to praise you with our actions as well as our lips. 

Re-orient us towards the psalm we offered last Sunday …. O God, be gracious to us and bless us and make your face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. May we live in a way that reflects your light shining on us. It is tempting to absorb it all and not share outwardly. Help us work with that balance, O God, so our footsteps and handiwork reflect your love in us.  

There is much tragedy in our community and world. Many are grieving the loss of a young man who offered so much hope and encouragement to others. The numbers of deceased are rising in Maui and we hear of migrant deaths at sea. May our responses to tragedy always be grounded in your love for the whole world. As we pay attention to our own hurt, may we also look around to see how we may offer empathy. Lord, we give thanks that you are with us and shine a light out of the darkness. 

There is also much joy! Forgive us when we fail to praise you for the joy! Let every creature rise and bring honors peculiar to our King! We thank you for the opportunity to offer prayers of intercession, but may they be made in a thankful response to your life and love. We hurt so badly when someone we love hurts. May the hurt turn us even nearer to you and bring us a sense of peace. Not numbness. Not apathy. But a deep peace that brings a stillness – even when we ask why, even we cry ourselves to sleep, even when there seem to be no answers. We are grateful for that inner stillness that recalibrates our spirits to you. 

Thank you for hearing our prayer on this Wednesday, O God of all days. Thank you for understanding our rhythms and our ups and downs of attentiveness. As we look towards Thursday, we know that you go with us, and whatever tomorrow brings, we will have you by our side. 

We pray for … 

  • The family of the young man killed on Kingston Pike while walking on the sidewalk
  • The UT community as they grieve for alongside the Kredich family
  • A husband who is now separated from wife; prayers for wife in a verbally abusive relationship; husband needs much help in terms of basic needs; pray that he lets Jesus into his heart and life
  • The family of the man who was driving the car that hit that young man. Drug addiction is so painful for all who are connected to the person.
  • All those who are grieving in our church family – a niece remembering a beloved family member, a sister grieving the loss of brother, a wife dealing with devastation of tragic accident, a nephew traveling to gather with family.
  • All those in our church family who are recovering from surgeries – one in rehab after hip surgery, one who has had heart valve replaced, those who are dealing with melanoma and basal cell carcinomas
  • Students returning to UT, Pellissippi, LMU, and Roane State – and the kindergarteners in their first full week!
  • A sister and brother-in-law. Pray for sister as she is caregiver for husband who has Lewy Body Dementia Dementia and is paralyzed from mid chest down from an accident he had when he was twenty one. He is very depressed and they both are having a difficult time with his disease.
  • A cousin that was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and has been put in a facility. Pray for her brother that has colon cancer and being treated.
  • For a friend whose husband has throat cancer and starts treatment soon.
  • For a friend’s sister that had a stroke a few years ago and fell recently and broke her hip and has afib.
  • For the people in Hawaii.
  • Pray that God will keep my family and me safe as we deal with some cattle issues and in dealing with my brothers who have health issues.
  • For intercession for the protection, deliverance, sanctification, and destruction of destructive forces operating against myself and my family.
  • For a daughter who is having biopsy of growth on thyroid
  • For members of the Beacon of Hope food co-op
  • For daughter going through health issues
  • For family grieving loss of mother and grandmother
  • For my struggles breathing
  • For safety in school this year

We give thanks for ….

  • The life of a 98-year old Servant of Christ who died in Kentucky this week; wonderful childhood memories from home church!
  • Being able to be home after an illness in another country
  • Being home after hospitalization for pneumonia
  • Friends who help in difficult times
  • That my daughter is cancer-free!
  • The ten years of ministry at Beacon of Hope; prayers for church as they continue to reach out

We offer the prayer Jesus taught us …. 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

*Note – Last Sunday’s opening hymn was Jesus Shall Reign UMH 157 written by Isaac Watts and inspired by Psalm 72. The Psalm last Sunday was Psalm 67; the sung refrain was Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! 

Sunday Schedule
Worship – 8:30AM & 11:00AM
Sunday school – 9:45-10:45AM
NightLife – 5:00-7:00PM (begins 8.27)

At a glance…

  • No NightLife this week.
  • We need LOTS more help for the first home game on September 9.
  • Don’t forget to complete our surveys & Annual Release Form!
  • Parents – we’d love your help with our meals on Sundays!


NightLife this past week was good for the soul. Spending time around the table, worshiping together, and having small group discussions was a joy.  We meet from 5:00-7:00 in the Youth Area and have a $5 dinner each week.

If you are new to NightLife, we hope you’ll consider taking the NightLife Challenge and commit to being with us 4 weeks in a row to see if it’s a good fit for you. (We think it will be!).

Please note: there will not be NightLife on Sunday, September 3 due to Labor Day Weekend. We’ll be back on September, 10!

Kick-Off Follow Up

This past Sunday night, we celebrated a new year of Youth Ministry altogether in Parish Hall. We shared a meal, worshipped together, and heard about what we have in store for this year.

Below, you’ll find the links to our forms/surveys. Please take some time to fill those out (it won’t take long!) to help us plan for the year ahead.

As always, if you have any questions, reach out to Jenny at @jcross@churchstreetumc.org.

Annual Release Form

Student Survey

Parent Survey

Football Parking Fundraiser

For each of Tennessee’s home football games, we have the incredible opportunity to park cars on our campus and raise money for our Youth Department and Youth Choir. Each weekend, we tithe (give 10%) of our earnings to a Parking Lot Maintenance Fund, and the remaining is divided evening between the two groups.

It requires a significant amount of volunteer support to make this fundraiser work, and we ask all families to volunteer for at least two shifts during the season. Please use the link below to sign up and learn more.

We need lots more hands for the first game on September 9!! Please consider volunteering. Shifts will be 8:45-1:15 and 12:45-5:15!

Football Volunteer Sign-Ups

Youth Ministry Meals

Each Sunday, we serve our students breakfast and dinner. We ask families to volunteer to help make these meals happen! The sign-ups are below. If every family signs up for one breakfast and one dinner each, we will have nearly every week covered!

Youth Breakfasts

Youth Dinners


Have you viewed our page on Church Street’s website? Check it out!

Jenny Cross, Youth Director

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 9, 2023

Today has been a beautiful day; a cooler day. We give you thanks, O God, for what we call pleasant weather. We have enjoyed the way ‘outside’ feels today as we have shared stories about how the winds and the tornado affected us and our neighbors just two days ago. We are amazed at the power of wind and the seemingly random selectiveness of a tornado’s touchdown. Some neighbors had holes in the roof, some have huge trees uprooted. Others only have a little debris in their yard. Make us mindful of the magnificence of your creation, O God, but also the fragility. May we as a nation and a world care about the earth, the skies, and the seas. All that you called good. A tornado in August in East Tennessee, O Lord, gives us pause.  

We pray that today has been a good and productive day for those who had to tend to insurance paperwork, who waited on utility workers to come, and had to manage the regular routine. We pray for schools who are sorting schedules and students with not enough teachers and staff. We pray for caregivers who are getting loved ones to appointments and perhaps have to take a different route. 

You know the storms we face, Loving God. You know there is more debris in our lives than tree limbs and downed power lines. As we see stray limbs and crooked street signs in the coming days, help us remember that there are those who are still hurting over a tornado that happened two days ago, or a conversation that happened a month ago, or a death that happened six weeks ago, or a divorce that happened twelve years ago …. 

O God who can bring us so much comfort when we open ourselves to you, may we experience a spiritual calming and an assurance that you are with us this day and every day. We pray for those in our church family who have offered these requests …. 

We pray for ….

  • A wife as she grieves the sudden death of her husband from a tragic accident
  • A member and all of her family in the death of her brother from COVID. Lord, in your mercy …
  • A man having financial struggles
  • A person struggling with faith when God seems ‘unfair.’
  • A daughter who is having gall bladder surgery
  • A friend going through a difficult time
  • KUB and LCUB workers getting power back to homes; prayers of thanksgiving for safety
  • All those affected by the tornado and storm
  • Those in our church family who are going for radiation treatments; thankful for drugs that help with side effects. Prayers for those taking chemotherapy. Thankful for researchers who keep finding better ways to administer.
  • Kindergarteners!
  • A member recovering from hip surgery
  • A member searching for answers to health concerns
  • One who is having trouble sleeping at night because of lack of job interviews and the stress that follows

We continue to pray for ….

  • All those recovering from surgeries
  • Those in rehab after joint replacement surgeries
  • Those who are wanting to have children
  • One who is looking for meaningful employment
  • Those whose grief is so deep

We give thanks for ….

  • Governor Lee and his upcoming special called session
  • Opportunities to keep learning. I loved Dr. Hanciles last Sunday! Thank you!
  • Friends who are bringing food to a member who is going through difficult time
  • A grandchild being accepted into a special program

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 23, 2023

“Where did July go?” 

That is what we are asking ourselves, O God! You hear it under our breath! You hear it as we put new school schedules in our phone. You hear it as monthly reminders pop up. You hear it as we sit at the traffic light, our eyes filling with tears. Our heart beating a bit faster. Or maybe slower. Where did July go, O God? 

Rationally, we know how many days there are. We tell ourselves that you have made each day and therefore it is a gift. But, we have filled the summer months with expectations and hopes; things we were going to get done before children and grandchildren start back to school. This was the summer we were going to spend more time doing … what, O Lord? What was it? What was it we were going to do and learn and finish that leaves us now feeling empty?   

So, we begin again, O God who called forth day and night. It is August; not even the first day but the second day! Is it too late to begin re-thinking our days? 

Help us to look back over July and remember the connections we had with your spirit. Let us give thanks for air conditioning and for cool drinks and the relief a folded paper fan can bring! There were family gatherings – even in the midst of grief – where we saw your love revealed. Children learned to swim. There were new friends at camp. There was watermelon. 

As we look towards the rest of August, we pray for those who need to pay attention to schedules and calendars. For parents and students and teachers; for bus drivers and coaches. We pray for new parents who are going back to work who are painfully aware of how long eight hours really is! We pray for grandparents who are keeping children; that they may have good health and stay strong and sleep soundly at night!  

We pray for family and friends whose schedules unraveled with sickness, death, grief, or mental illness. We pray for those who wish time would stand still or time could go back. May they feel your steadiness in this present moment, O God. Help them move forward minute by minute. 

May the calendar and time keeping not be a burden O God, but may we see you in our schedule. July and August are both named for kings. May we greet each day with the words – Jesus is my King! Where is God’s Spirit leading me to serve in his kingdom this day?  

We thank you for this evening time as we look back over the day and give thanks for your gifts. You have given us the strength to move through this day and to share your love with others. As we prepare for the evening rest, we pray for others in our church family and community …. 

We pray for ….

  • A daughter waiting to hear about placement for her mother is mentally ill
  • A son waiting and hoping for his elderly mother to return home; prayers that doctors at hospital can determine cause of her illness and choose the path of healing
  • A member who is expecting a dear relative, his cousin, to die soon. Grief is complicated by family expectations and history and struggles. May our church member feel the love of God as he prepares to eulogize her. May God’s light shine through him in a way the family can see and accept.
  • A member going through radiation treatments; prayers of thanksgiving that there are no side effects. Prayers for healing from this brain cancer
  • Continued strength and healing for a member who is now home from long hospital ordeal and illness. Grateful for her positive strength and will!
  • Students. All of the students! Kindergarten through Post-Doc. Soothe all the jitters, O God! May students not be afraid to ask for help! May students all be kind.
  • Teachers and administrators. Only you know all the work that is required and all the extra work that is done. Bless our school personnel at every level.
  • Those recovering from surgeries – many in our church who have had joint replacement; prayers for strength in rehab
  • A church member who is joining a team from our conference to go to Uganda to bring good wishes and assistance to our Holston missionaries and children in refugee camp there. Safe travels and God’s blessings!
  • Families who are struggling to get along
  • Caregivers who keep on. May they know when and how to ask for rest and help.
  • Any individual that feels judged by family because of who they love and who they are

We give thanks for …

  • The good health of three little girls born recently! Each is continuing to get stronger. Prayers for strength and stamina for parents!
  • Our adult choir! How glorious for them to sing at the National Cathedral!
  • Donations of school supplies!
  • Those who have volunteered to teach Sunday School in our children and youth departments
  • Healing after surgery; thankful that doctors are so pleased with outcome
  • Clear report from oncologist
  • A friend who has really stepped up and helped me out. 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 26, 2023

Rev. Catherine Nance

At our Church Council meeting Tuesday night, one of our youth offered the closing prayer. Her words were …. 

“Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity to change our world for the better, even through our basic day-to-day life, Thank you for allowing us to work together as a community. Give us the understanding that our world is truly a gift and we are truly your children. Allow us to know that your presence is always with us even when we are outside of this church building and separated from this congregation.” 

We were meeting in the Chapel – a beautiful room – yet, her prayer made me remember that we spend most of our time OUTSIDE of 900 Henley Street! Yet, it is the Holy Spirit and the gift of prayer that keeps us ‘together as a community’ even when we are ‘outside … and separated’ from one another. 

Tonight, as we pray, let us imagine the other places where people are gathering … 

 O God who binds us together, we pray for those who are at home this evening. May the surroundings bring comfort and peace. May they feel safe and know that they are loved.  

 O God, we pray for those who are outside – literally outside. Those who are sleeping under a bridge or inside an abandoned building. We do not understand the circumstances and so we do not judge; but we pray for their safety Lord. They are your children. 

 O God, we pray for those who are at camps. Church camps and summer camps are winding down and band camps are in full swing. There are those who have enlisted in the armed services who are at boot camp. We pray for those who are tired, homesick, and hot. We pray for those who have made good friends and are hoping to sustain relationships. 

 O God, we pray for those who are working this evening. There are many at hospitals, nursing homes, and all-night diners. We often do not think about mail and package sorters and order fulfillers – those faceless people who make our ‘clicking’ appear at the door in a day or two. May they find fulfillment in their work and know that they are doing work we all count on. May they feel your presence in these evening hours. 

O God, we pray for those who are on the road – whether on interstate or in the air. We pray for safety and good judgment as people are traveling for work or for vacation. May people who drive and fly for a living know we appreciate them getting people and goods where they need to be. 

We pray for those who are sleeping in prisons tonight. It may be just an overnight or it may be the five-hundredth night of many more. Regardless of circumstance, we pray for mercy and that the prisoner knows they are precious in your sight.  

O loving God, we thank you for a beautiful sanctuary where we gather on Sundays to pray. We find encouragement and nurture and love in that place. But thank you, Holy Spirit of God, for your presence outside. 

We share the prayers that our community of faith has shared …. 

We pray for ….

  • A wife grieving the loss of her beloved husband
  • A niece grieving the loss of her beloved aunt; prayers for all of the family she nurtured.
  • A church member awaiting results from a biopsy
  • A husband grieving the sudden death of his wife
  • Our Stephen Ministry team as they care for one another; several who are facing health issues
  • A member who is recovering from surgery to remove brain tumor; awaiting cancer treatment
  • Those who are in despair from physical pain
  • A daughter hoping for the best care for her mother who is not able to take care of herself; prayers for peace over frustration of health care system when mental health issues are involved
  • A member who is burdened with worrying about the future; please bring God’s peace
  • Those who are exploring changes in jobs
  • Those who are exploring the meaning of vocation and calls to ministry
  • A member who went home from rehab; may she remain healthy and safe
  • A member having knee replacement surgery
  • Those who are under hospice care; thankful for the peace and comfort the program brings
  • Our choir as they prepare to sing at the National Cathedral
  • A two-year old having exploratory surgery and scans
  • A child who is anxious about the start of school

We give thanks for …

  • Friends who step in when needed
  • Church volunteers who work behind the scenes
  • The gift of new life; prayers for good health during a pregnancy
  • Teachers who are looking forward to welcoming students

We continue to pray for …

  • Miracles of healing
  • Families who are grieving
  • Caregivers who are getting weary
  • People dealing with complicated grief; sadness mixed with tragic circumstances or unknown causes
  • A young adult who struggles with mental health issues; prayers that the school year goes well

We join with others offering the prayer you taught us…. 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 19, 2023

Rev. Tim Best

Almighty God, King of the Universe,

We give you thanks for all the blessings of this day. For rain, for a day where the air feels fresher, and a time to give thanks for all the simple blessings and mercies of this life. Fill us with your Spirit, that we might find your peace and in the midst of whatever challenges, sufferings, or trials we face. Renew us by your grace as the rain renews dry soil. Grow in us a deep well of trust, built upon the foundations of your work in and through Christ Jesus.

We pray for the leaders of the world, our nation, and our community. Grant wisdom to all those who hold authority over others. Write mercy upon the hearts of all those who make decisions every day that shapes the lives of others. Shape us to choose and live mercifully, so that when we hold power over others we would treat them as Christ himself would treat them. Purge from our hearts all malice and anger, and fill us instead with a commitment to love and care for others.

Our hearts are heavy for all those who grieve the loss of loved ones. We pray for that day when all death will be swallowed up and defeated. We trust that in Christ we can already experience a glimpse of the eternal life which he promises through his resurrection. Comfort those who grieve, be with those who are sick and grant that your church would be with those who are alone. We praise you for drawing close to your creation, even when we have stepped away from you. Draw us together into your kingdom now and in the age to come. We lift all our joys and concerns to you, gracious Lord.

We invite you to pause with us to hold everyone who is hurting in our hearts. Hear our prayer now as we pray that prayer that Christ our Lord has taught us….

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of July 12, 2023

Tonight’s prayer is the one offered by Pastor Tim Best last Sunday.

“Come to me all who are weary carrying heavy burdens; I will give you rest ….”

Matthew 11:28


Almighty God,

We praise you for the love and concern you show to all your creation. You have made us to rejoice and to mourn, to cry and to laugh. By the burden of discipleship we are freed from the need to conform to this world. We can name suffering when the world calls us to ignore it. We can rejoice with abandon and hope over even the littlest of gifts. Grant that we would faithfully seek the rest that can be found only in you. For those who are weary, and whose souls are in need of much rest, grant them your peace.

When we think of the burdens of others, our hearts become heavy. We pray for those who are burdened with illness, loneliness, grief, and fear. We pray for those who daily face the burden of oppression and hatred. Fill us with your love that we may offer compassion and understanding to all the world, and all those who carry heavy burdens. Free us to joyful obedience to you that we may work to lift and carry the burdens of others as a sign of your kingdom.

We pray for the world, its nations, leaders, and peoples. For those at war, we pray for peace. We pray for our enemies and those who would count our nation and people as enemies. We pray not only for people and nations, but we pray for every part of the world. Make us mindful stewards of our resources and caretakers of the creatures you have placed alongside us.

Gracious God,

We pray for all of those who have been burdened by death. We place our trust and hope in you, that you will raise them and us to new life. Help us to keep before us the lives of those who have trusted your yoke in previous generations, that we might learn from them how to follow you.

We pray for …

  • a niece grieving the loss of her beloved aunt; prayers for all of the family she nurtured.
  • a church member awaiting results from a biopsy
  • a member who is having prostate surgery on Monday; prayers for successful surgery and healing
  • our Stephen Ministry team as they care for one another; several who are facing health issues
  • a member who is recovering from surgery to remove brain tumor; awaiting cancer treatment
  • a member recovering from brain surgery; awaiting treatment for lung cancer. Particular prayers for relief as he is in hospital with non-related but painful health concerns.
  • those who are in despair from physical pain
  • a family who is grieving the sudden death of a sister.
  • a member who is burdened with worrying about the future; please bring God’s peace
  • those who are exploring changes in jobs
  • those who are exploring the meaning of vocation and calls to ministry
  • a member who went home from rehab; may she remain healthy and safe
  • a member having knee replacement surgery
  • those who are under hospice care; thankful for the peace and comfort the program brings
  • our neighbors in Vestal as they deal with transitions in the community

We give thanks for …

  • the opportunities afforded our children and youth this week with Making A Difference in the City (MAD) and Children’s Choir Camp
  • positive reports from the oncologist this past week
  • drugs that minimize the side effects of chemotherapy
  • a couple married in our church this past weekend
  • our faithful online community

We continue to pray for …

  • miracles of healing
  • families who are grieving
  • caregivers who are getting weary

We join our prayer with theirs now as we pray that prayer that you taught us, saying,

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.