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Prayer for Today – July 27

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 27, 2020 Pastor Jan   The lily blooming where none was planted; a cardinal returning to your windowsill day after day; the contours of a cloud that resemble a face you once knew and loved – all are as postcards from another world. […]

Prayer for Today – July 24

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 24, 2020 Pastor Jan   Forgive the casual way in which we frequently speak of you, O Sacred One, as if we carried you in our hip pockets. By your pity, pardon our habit of using your name in such an offhand manner […]

Prayer for Today – July 23

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 23, 2020 Pastor Jan   Ever-present One, this textured morning we thank you for the ordinary things that color our days: a roof above to protect us, the comfortable bed which offers sleep, sunlight peeping through the window, fresh fragrance of the earth, […]

Prayer for Today – July 22

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 22, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Voice of Calm, we recall how Jesus commanded the waves to be still when the boat was rocked by the tumult. Fear flooded the hearts of his shipmates who felt the anger of the sea and the […]

Prayer for Today – July 21

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 21, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Sacred Source of Light. we come this day with grateful hearts, for even in the aloneness of social distancing you have touched us with your grace. Some of us have learned quieter rhythms for our days, some […]

Prayer for Today – July 20

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 20, 2020 Pastor Jan   Generous are you, O God, for you overlook our scattered thoughts and those wanderings of our minds that keep us from centering on you. In these moments, may we be still in this morning’s light to simply breathe […]

Prayer for Today – July 17

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 17, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Wind that Moves over Mighty Mountain and Flowing Stream, you remain a hidden mystery. But how is it then that we behold you in everything we see and touch, from the arc of the rainbow to the […]

Prayer for Today – July 16

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 16, 2020 Pastor Jan   Generous God, you offer this day to us, a day full of possibilities. Whatever we do with it is up to us. How will we use the gifts you delight in offering us? How will we respond to […]

Prayer for Today – July 15

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 15, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Sacred One, you have drawn closer to us during this period of pandemic, or maybe it is the other way around. At any rate, we have keenly felt your presence throughout these dangerous days and what a […]

Prayer for Today – July 14

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 14, 2020 Pastor Jan   We know you, Universal Love, as one who traverses the galaxies and skips among the stars. You rule the orbit of the planets coursing the golden glow of the sun. How could one such as you be mindful […]