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Prayer for Today – July 1

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family July 1, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Song of Welcome, the psalmist urges us to come into your presence with singing, making a joyful noise throughout the land! Thus we enter the gates of this new day, lifting high our thankful praise for all […]

Prayer for Today – June 30

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 30, 2020 Pastor Jan   You search us out day by day, Good Shepherd, desiring to know us more fully, to help us understand our own fears and longings, to show us how we might make decisions that are life-affirming. We praise you […]

Prayer for Today – June 29

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 29, 2020 Pastor Jan The prophet dreamed of a time when lions and oxen would feed together, when leopards and lambs would play in the same field, when wolves would sleep with the cattle. We hold that same vision, Lord. We also long […]

Prayer for Today – June 26

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 26, 2020 Pastor Jan   “For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies. For the love which from our birth over and around us lies …” Yes, Loving Creator, we are pilgrims upon this good earth, and it has […]

Prayer for Today – June 25

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 25, 2020 Pastor Jan   O God on the Move, you continue to call your servants to prepare for the journey. Just as the Israelites traveled from pillar to post, Jesus’ disciples were also itinerants, strangers stepping into unfriendly conclaves. Bless richly, O […]

Prayer for Today – June 24

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 24, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Generous One, this day we lift our eyes to the heavens and offer our praise. As scripture tells us, you cause the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike. So too you offer freely […]

Prayer for Today – June 23

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 23, 2020 Pastor Jan   O Wind of Heaven, awaken us this day to your holy acceptance blowing through us. Most days we feel we are too insignificant, unworthy of your attention. We recall our past mistakes keenly, wearing our failures as badges […]

Prayer for Today – June 22

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 22, 2020 Pastor Jan   O God of Compassion, open wide the doors of our hearts that we might receive the wounded souls who pass quietly by. We see them so near our threshold, but we rarely invite them in to see how […]

Prayer for Today – June 19

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 19, 2020 Pastor Jan   We bow before you this day, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May we face today with you in our hearts, knowing you as the Source of all our days. May we embrace these hours as your holy gift, […]

Prayer for Today – June 18

BINDING SOUL AND SOURCE Daily Prayers of the Church Street family June 18, 2020 Pastor Jan   God of Knowing, you have plans for us, plans for a future filled with hope. Our path is often uncertain, for we see only through the eyes of this earthly realm. Yet through your eyes of eternal love, […]