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Weekly Prayer – June 26, 2024

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of June 26, 2024 Written by Rev. Tim Best   Gracious Lord, Break open our hearts. Our hearts break open with both joy and pain. When we burst with joy we share the happiness and the wholeness that we experience from your abundant mercies. In our suffering, our hearts […]


Prayer for Today: May 1, 2024

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of May 1, 2024 Written by CSUMC Member David Martin Tonight’s prayer is one that church member, David Martin, wrote and shared with Pastor Catherine recently. This is a prayer that he offers each morning. Perhaps it could be your morning prayer as well.    Magnificent Creator […]


Weekly Prayer – January 10, 2024

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of January 10, 2024 Written by Steve Richardson God in heaven and in our midst, in your graciousness hear our prayers. Winter. Even though we know the daylight hours are extending longer, they just don’t seem to get longer quickly enough. We’re eager to re-greet spring’s warmth, […]


Weekly Prayer – September 20, 2023

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of September 20, 2023 Pat Bellingrath God, we come to you tonight with hearts full of love and gratitude for all the ways you are at work in our lives. This time of year when the leaves are beginning to change and the air becomes crisp and […]


Weekly Prayer – July 12, 2023

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of July 12, 2023 Tonight’s prayer is the one offered by Pastor Tim Best last Sunday. “Come to me all who are weary carrying heavy burdens; I will give you rest ….” Matthew 11:28   Almighty God, We praise you for the love and concern you show […]


Weekly Prayer – January 25, 2023

Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family Week of January 25, 2023 Rev. Catherine Nance May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. We thank you, O Lord, for the redeeming work you do in our lives. Forgive […]

Church Street Kids

Today, we are delighted to share a video featuring Laura Still, who is a longtime Church Street member and Children’s Ministry volunteer. You have probably seen her on a Children’s Sunday directing kids in skits during worship, or behind the scenes at the annual Christmas Pageant. But she is known to our children for the […]

Home for Good

A few years ago, I attended the funeral of one of the longest-serving “volunteers” for Church Street. I can’t say at Church Street … because he wasn’t in Knoxville. He was the spouse of our caretaker at Sterchi Lodge and served alongside her for 43 years as our welcoming hosts. Roy loved playing and singing […]