Annually, members of the Open Door Sunday school class go to the Knoxville nonprofit Random Acts of Flowers to assemble beautiful arrangements for healthcare and assisted living facilities clients.
Adult Sunday School
For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6, NIV
Church Street offers a variety of education and spiritual development opportunities through our Sunday School classes. We invite you to peruse the offerings below by clicking through the arrows, and then join us on Sundays at 9:40 a.m.
Adults are primarily in their 30s and 40s
Cattywampus is a discussion-based class in a casual atmosphere of camaraderie and fellowship. Cattywampus can mean “going badly, askew, or in disarray”. Our class serves as a place of respite to come together in community when life feels cattywampus.
Meets in CLC-123
Adults are primarily in their 30s and 40s
A welcoming class for all people, but with a primary focus on adults aged in their 30s or 40s. We have married and single members as well as those with children and without children. The Covenant Class enjoys bible and book studies paired with discussion and fellowship.
Meets in Room 309-E.
Adults of all ages
A presentation/discussion format centered around Bible study and current issues impacting Christian life. Lessons emphasize intellectual inquiry and welcome all points of view. Fellowship includes social activities and gatherings outside of class.
Meets in Room 201-A
Adults (Singles and Couples), all ages
This interactive class focuses on spiritual issues and growth through the use of book studies, videos, and guest speakers. The group enjoys discussion and participation, as well as service and social activities. The class loves welcoming new members and believes in the importance of service to others.
Meets in Room CLC-124
Adults, all ages
This small group focuses on Bible study and utilizes lectures, discussions, and book studies. Class preparation and participation are expected. Service projects are encouraged.
Meets in Room CLC-122
Adults, late 30s-50s
The format for this class features structured Bible study and topical book and video studies. Materials will be provided.
Meets in Room 310-E
Older Adults
Utilizing a lecture/discussion format, the class looks at topics from current issues to Bible study to literature, considering these topics within a context of faith, scripture and United Methodist tradition and practice.
Meets in Room 202-E
Older Adults
This supportive and friendly group of older adults focuses on adult Bible studies. The group maintains an active and varied social schedule.
Meets in Room 204
Adults, all ages
A safe and hospitable group where class members are motivated to reach out and invite others and together discover ways through teaching and open discussion to strengthen our commitment to “love each other as Christ loves us.” Through dynamic speakers, lessons, and class discussion, this group seeks to help persons strengthen their Christian discipleship.
Meets in Parish Hall
Couples, ages 50s to 70s (mostly)
This class is noted for its diversity, both in membership and in topics of study. While most members are couples in their 50s to 70s, the class also has members who are single, younger, and older. Lesson topics range from traditional Bible study to current issues, both sacred and secular. The class gathers for social events quarterly.
Meets in Room 118-S
Adults, all ages
This class studies and discusses a broad range of theological positions and social issues based upon book or media studies. Opportunities for personal theological and spiritual probing and development are provided. Books are selected by class members.
Meets in Chiles Room (off of Parish Hall)
Adults, all ages
The purpose of this class is to provide a small study group that emphasizes discussion and spiritual growth through modern literature and the Bible.
Meets in Room 201-C
Adult Sunday School

Annually, members of the Open Door Sunday school class go to the Knoxville nonprofit Random Acts of Flowers to assemble beautiful arrangements for healthcare and assisted living facilities clients.
For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6, NIV
Church Street offers a variety of education and spiritual development opportunities through our Sunday School classes. We invite you to peruse the offerings below by clicking through the arrows, and then join us on Sundays at 9:40 a.m.
Stop by the Welcome Center on the first floor (Cumberland Avenue parking) if you need help finding a good class to start).
Special Offerings for Adults
Additionally, Church Street offers special courses, presentations, and discussions throughout the year.
Summer Lecture Series: A variety of topics important to our community are explored each summer as we welcome theologians, historians, authors and community leaders to share more about their areas of expertise. Learn more about education opportunities here.
A. Orin Bishop Lecture Series: Each year, Church Street invites guests to speak with the community about a number of topics, thanks to a generous legacy gift from Asa Bishop. Guests have included United Methodist Church bishops, Pulitzer Prize winning authors, and professors of theology, history, and religious studies, just to name a few.
United Women in Faith
God is within her, she will not fall.
Psalm 46:5, NIV
Church Street has a vibrant and active cohort of United Women in Faith. Membership is open to any woman who indicates her desire to belong and to participate in the global mission of the church by support of the purpose of UWF, which is:
To learn more about Church Street’s chapter and circles of UWF, please contact President Sue Piper.
Stephen Ministry
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2, NRSV
Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the Stephen Series system.
Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
Stephen Ministers
Stephen Ministers—Lay caregivers trained in the congregation by Stephen Leaders. Learn more about Stephen Ministers.
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour. Twice a month, Stephen Ministers gather with their Stephen Leaders for supervision and continuing education.
Learn more:
- What Is a Stephen Minister?—Stephen Ministers describe how much they grow from serving in this ministry.
- Stephen Minister Training—A Christ-centered experience that equips participants with essential caring and relating skills. Participants will learn how to listen to, care for, and walk with those going through difficult times in life.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister or receiving care from one of Church Street’s Stephen Ministers, please contact Rev. Pat Clendenen at pclendenen@churchstreetumc.org.
Parish Health Ministry Team
Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
Jeremiah 33:6, NIV
The vision of the Parish Health ministry is to share the love of Christ through promoting safety, health, and wellness in the lives of the Church Street United Methodist Church (CSUMC) family.
Click here to learn more about Parish Health Ministry and to read the article archive.