Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family
Week of October 27, 2021
Rev. Jan Buxton Wade
This week, O Lord, our hearts turn to you as we remember all those saints whom you have called and who have walked among us throughout the years. We remember your disciples who spent their time in this realm empowering the meek, encouraging the poor, and lifting up the forlorn. We recall how they honored the neglected, respected the desires of the disadvantaged, and valued the least and the lost. For their wisdom and witness, we praise you!
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
And still in this era, your saints walk alongside us: bringing peace where there is discord, sowing goodness where there is distrust, spreading hope where despair has taken root. In your own mystifying way, you call ordinary folk to carry out your ministry in extraordinary ways. We pray you would sustain your saints who are in ministry this very day, and particularly these blessed ones who have made such a difference in our individual lives: . . . . . . . . . . We know you as our Forever Guide, so empower us, that we also might shine as these who live in brightest faith even when tribulations descend.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord of the Dismayed, some days we are simply unable to take in all the pain that thrives in our world, communities, and in our own households. We confess that our own faith grows dim when we consider all the misfortunes that are holding your people hostage. Our own efforts seem so paltry, and we tire so easily. Draw close and make yourself known to those who are overwhelmed. Gaze upon those who are ill or frightened as they face a diagnosis, illness, surgery, poverty, or any sort of loss. And as our arms are too short to wrap around those whom you love, we pray you would embrace all those who believe they have been forgotten.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
As the apostle has written, we see through a glass darkly. We cannot comprehend your will and your ways; nor can we fathom the manner in which you are moving in our world. But, Good Lord, we do know you hear the cries of our hearts, that you will never leave us comfortless, and that one day we shall see clearly. Until that day, we believe your grace covers all, and that you are attending each one who prays in your name. Therefore, we bring these praises and pleas offered by members of the Church Street family:
- Two families celebrate births of healthy baby daughters on Wednesday
- Couple thankful for safe travel to Europe
- Gratitude for the ministry of our church choirs
- Member offers thanks for an unspoken miracle in her life
- Thanksgiving for the peaceful death of an ill mother
- Thanksgiving for healthcare workers who valiantly serve
- Grateful for prayers – member’s back pain is vastly improved
- Strength, wisdom for daughter, prime caregiver of aging father
- Member thankful for recent visit of family members
- Family grateful for prayers, daughter (Covid) continues to improve
- Solace for members who mourn the loss of loved ones
- Prayers for husband with Parkinson’s & his wife, caregiver
- Healing for cherished father/husband hospitalized Monday
- Courage for one facing difficult procedure at Vanderbilt
- Proper diagnosis for one enduring fainting
- Continued prayers for grandson (17) in cancer treatment
- Courage, strength for one beginning chemo next week
- Healing prayers for wife recovering from dangerous fall
- Prayers for a young wife, soon to deliver first child
- Children of Grace School in Uganda, for a way forward
- Courage for one, extended chemotherapy, & devoted husband
- Members asks for prayers for her parents, both cancer victims
- Two sons in treatment for addiction
Grant this day, and each day ahead, Beloved Presence, that we might make a quiet space in our hearts for you. Join us in those silent moments, reminding us that you are ready to wipe away our sins, offering us the privilege of making a fresh start with each dawn. Wrap us now in the peace of your Spirit as we offer this prayer in the name of Christ, our Savior:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
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