Prayers for the Church Street Family
October 28, 2020
Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade
Breath Upon Breath, we hear you breathing within another new morn: in the rising of the sun, in the ever-changing complexion of the sapphire sky, in the full whiteness of meandering clouds, in the drifting leaf from the maple, in the crisp call of the orioles as they wing their way southward. Oh, that we might capture these moments and relive them every day! But the seasons change, you tell us, and we must move on. Other gifts will come, you seem to say, as we work together for the kingdom.
O One Whose Ways Cannot Be Measured, you are truly our refuge and strength. Even when the earth is reeling in disease and conflict, even when the fires blaze and the tempests roar, even when sin’s shadow looms large, even when we feel utterly helpless, you are that Rock that does not yield. Our troubles seem to come in bundles, and at such a swift speed that we are often rattled, responding with anxiety rather than trust. Brace us with your word of confidence, we pray, that others might see your courage and strength within us. May this be so, Lord, not for our glory, but that all might come to know you as the One whose love quells any storm.
Lord Jesus, our own deepest needs and desires you have long known, and you are acquainted with those precious ones about whom we care so earnestly. In this morning’s silence, receive again those cherished names, for we trust that you will hear and you will heal . . . . . . ; and also receive into the arms of your mercy all those hurting ones whose names we may not know . . . . . . .; and each of these concerns and celebrations from within our Church Street family:
- Thanksgiving: After 3 bouts with cancer, a friend is pronounced healed
- Grateful for prayers: Pastor with kidney ailment is improving
- Two offer thanks for improved health issues
- Prayers for two members assist with sister-in-law’s funeral in FLA
- Healing prayers for a pastor with kidney disease and his anxious wife
- Help for young son suffering with major addiction problems
- Lifting of depression for three members who suffer significantly
- Calm for one facing cataract surgery today, skill and wisdom for surgeon
- Healing for best friend in North Carolina with virus; that her family is not infected
- Young friend, newly married diagnosed with leukemia, courage for family
- Healing of dear friend – young man in critical care, battling Covid-19
- Sustaining prayers for mother in hospice care, comfort for her family
- Continued prayers for healing of beloved elderly mother
- Healing of young son with virus and protection of his family
- Nephew in Missouri on ventilator with Covid-19 and his wife infected
- Granddaughter (18) with virus, protection for family, especially her father
In your truest self, Holy One, you remain among us: God above us, God beside us, God within us. And in each shadow and light, in each day and night, give us your sacred presence, your boldness, and your courage to work for peace and for the well-being of others. All these prayers we offer this day in the name of the Blessed Son:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.