Prayers for the Church Street Family
October 14, 2020
Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade
O God Most Holy, as we glimpse your morning brightness through the colored branches, we are filled with a deep longing to remain enfolded in your holy presence this day. Without reservation, the bracing breeze reminds us that we are accepted just as we are, and you wrap us in such rare natural beauty out of the goodness of your spirit. O Lord, your benevolence leaves us truly speechless; mere words do little justice to your mercy. We are aware of our faults and frailties, but you know that we are striving to be faithful to our promises to bear one another’s burdens and to dream one another’s dreams.
Song of Heaven, hear our prayer.
O Shining Light of Salvation, you are the stronghold of our lives, so what have we to fear? This we believe in our hearts, but in truth, we remain uneasy about many things. May all who are ill or frightened somehow feel your hand resting upon their brow. May those in sorrow remember your tears mingle with their own. May those who feel lonely open your door of welcome. May those who are impoverished receive a generous sharing of what we ourselves possess. Play your eternal lullaby throughout the late hours, we pray, and we shall then be at peace.
Song of Heaven, hear our prayer.
And as you bend your ear to receive the prayers of all who call upon your name, also accept these earnest prayers from your friends at Church Street UMC:
- Thankful for prayers: mother is out of hospital, recovers in rehab
- One family expresses gratitude for the respite of Fall Break
- Thanksgiving for the life of a faithful saint who died in peace
- Prayers for brother-in-law in Chicago w/ esophageal cancer; upholding of his wife who also cares for her father w/ dementia
- Member facing a second kidney surgery, for pain relief & healing
- Prayers for guidance for a member making a weighty decision
- Healing prayers for broken family, for reconciliation, for children
- Lift up a custody mediation proceeding, that all might go well
- Courage for wife seeking leniency of the court; healing for husband
- For a grandson’s emotional issues to soften as he studies in college
- Healing mercies for members of 3 families suffering from Covid-19
- For peace, forgiveness, & order to once again reign in our nation
- Prayers for forgiveness for our taking our blessings for granted
- Continued prayers for beloved mother w/ virus & worried family
- Upholding member in great stress, broken family relationships
- Wisdom & focus for member taking 4-day intensive course
- Complete healing of 2-yr-old son who had leg surgery recently
Song of Heaven, thank you for making time for us and for welcoming our communion with you. As you have carved out a place in our hearts for yourself, help us to carve out a portion each day to meditate with you. May your music play on in our lives, enabling us to share your grace, hope, and joy in the time that we are given:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.