Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 3, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord …
plans to give you hope and a future
Jeremiah 29:11

Hope of the World, you have called to us through the eons to take on your ministry of hope. To the world’s question: “Is this all there is?” we are to offer a resounding “No!” You have blessed us to become a blessing to those who are crying out for the food that satisfies and nourishes, the Bread of Life. We are not worthy of your trust and we often suffer from anxiety and cower in fear. Still, you have issued the invitation and, though trembling, we have accepted. You hope in us and we pray to be faithful. Yours is such a high calling that it keeps us on our knees.

Lord of All, hear our prayer.

O Voice of Solace, yes, there is much to cause our misgivings and apprehension in this era of rampant illness and chaos. But might you offer a respite from our weariness? What would it be like if we deserted our anxieties just for awhile? What if we avoided all those who fanned the flames of our fears? What if we shunned the broadcasts that heighten our alarm? What if we sought out only those voices of calm, confidence, and affirmation? What strange solace might permeate our spirits if at least one day each week we took complete refuge in the knowledge and love of God? Holy One, might you help us arrange such a time of regular renewal?

Lord of All, hear our prayer.

God of Tender Mercies, we glorify you for your mercy in receiving the pleas of our hearts. We celebrate all these personal gifts you have made possible in our lives . . . . . ; for those special ones you have sent to lighten our load . . . . . ; and for the reconciliations you have made possible . . . . . Hear also the deep cares that live in our hearts . . . . . And also attend to these joys and specific needs of those in your Church Street family:

  • Family celebrates newborn released from NICU & now home
  • Grateful for the life of cherished friend, buried on Saturday
  • Member thankful for a new home & that move is completed
  • One celebrating passing his professional licensure exams
  • Gratitude: Friend with Covid-19 greatly improved
  • Prayers appreciated: a misunderstanding has been cleared up
  • Safety for all educators & students working at home or in person
  • Please pray for a husband searching for a new job
  • Cherished mother entering hospice care & her loving family
  • Healing prayers: husband suffering from painful shingles
  • Comfort & wisdom for a daughter as her mother nears death
  • Prayers: family with Covid-19, healing of multiple complications
  • Pray that the hungry in our community might be sufficiently fed
  • Uncle isolated in MS nursing home, in rapid decline & his lonely wife
  • Relief of anxiety for one facing court proceeding & her family
  • Prayers for healing: 2 fathers with Covid-19, safety for their families
  • Friend in skilled nursing care & wife trying to make wise decisions

Your ways, O God, are indefinable, but we count you as our Greatest Hope, lenient in your mercy and bounteous in your compassion.

Lord of All, hear our prayer.

May our voices join with all your people throughout the earth, as we offer that prayer of Love’s Community, created and sustained through our Savior, Jesus Christ:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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