Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

June 19, 2020

Pastor Jan


We bow before you this day, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May we face today with you in our hearts, knowing you as the Source of all our days. May we embrace these hours as your holy gift, offered without cost. Restrain us when we pack our hours with endless errands and choke them by rushing from one task to another. Temper our pace, we pray, that we might move more gently savor your presence.

Great God of Heaven, hear our prayer.

How neatly we divide our lives into weekday and weekend increments; yet how fortunate we are that the flowers, bees, and birds take no weekends off. The leaves of the giant oaks and magnolias do not stop their labor, but continue to create oxygen for the living. Rivers and streams sing everyday as they rumble along. Is it sinful to take these holy mysteries for granted? Surely it is.

Great God of Heaven, hear our prayer.

All praise to you, O Perfect One, for in your own secret way, you are uniting us in holy communion with all our brothers and sisters for whom we pray. Today we remember the sick and the suffering throughout the world, those who have no place to call home, those of all races and cultures who are daily faced with oppression. In each one, there is a longing for wholeness. Fill that longing with your mercy, we pray. And share that same mercy with these people of Church Street who open their hearts to you:

  • A family rejoices: a son’s heart surgery on Thursday was a success; please pray for his continued recovery in ICU, Austin TX
  • Thankful for a new pregnancy
  • Recipients of cards and calls from church volunteers send their warm gratitude
  • One is thankful for recent blessings and promise of a new start in life
  • Thanks for Thursday prayers for husband’s tests, hoping for better news
  • A father-in-law near death in Florida, faith and courage for his family
  • Peace, clarity, patience, understanding & healing for all feeling overwhelmed and uncertain in this extraordinary time
  • Continued prayers for brother with serious heart problems and for family
  • For better days for a husband without work and easing of financial worries
  • Healing mercies for one continuing to endure immense back pain
  • Faithful, lonely member endeavoring to adjust to assisted living
  • Grace and courage for one facing another surgery & another round of chemo
  • Patience and calm for a mother awaiting tests next week
  • Courage for one in lengthy recovery and his family offering support

May your grace and goodness shine through all that we undertake this day.  And when others observe our attentiveness and patience, may they see you at work.

Great God of Heaven, hear our prayer.

We are all on the journey to you, Good Lord.  Some days we maintain a steady gait; but other times it’s all we can do to put one foot in front of the other.  Still, we know you are shepherding us, that we will arrive in your own good time, and we will then pray as one great multitude the prayer of your Beloved:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. 


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